Dear Guys Stuck in the Friend Zone (Nice Guys)

I’ve encountered and turned down far too many of you. Why? Because being nice isn’t enough. Sorry.

You know what’s really annoying about those of you I’ve met? I turn you down, you keep asking. I break up with you, you tell me how much you miss me. I stopped caring, and you’re only making yourselves look pathetic, whiny and needy.

Why? You’re too nice. There’s a reason why girls go for the bad boy. The kind of guy who asks for things, but gives nothing. First, he looks like more of a man than the Nice Guy, who lets us walk all over him. Second, because he gives nothing, he forces us to give more, and according to psychology we’re all more likely to love those we give things or do favors for. And the Nice Guys get taken for granted, because they’re always there, no matter what we do or say to them. They don’t set clear limits. They don’t say they’ve had enough. They just keep on being nice, and hoping one day she’ll realize that she’s loved him all along.

Sorry. This ain’t a fairy tale. You want her to like you more? Make her do some of the work. Tell her no. Don’t drop everything for her. Recognize that you’re a person, too, and you deserve to be treated better. If it comes to that, walk away. Stop letting her walk all over you.

If she tells you no, drop it. Don’t keep bugging her and NEVER, EVER pressure her, because I can almost guarantee she’ll hate you for it.

Another reason nice guys fail: how many of them sit at home and spend the entire day playing video games? Don’t get me wrong, video games are awesome. But there’s more to life than that. Why would a girl want to date a guy who’s contributing nothing to society? He’s the new generation of a bum.

So, dear nice guys, have some self-respect, because chicks dig it when you stand up for yourself, and when you contribute something to the world (although there are many out there just waiting to be asked to play a video game with you). And we really like it when you have the guts to ask us out, even if we have to turn you down for some reason. If you get turned down, so what? There are plenty of other girls out there hoping a great guy like you will ask them out. Be awesome!

Finally, note that this is opinion, backed only by facts read off of a psychology blog, and my own observations. And, as my whopping 2.5 relationships have been failures, I am in no way qualified to give dating advice. I just pretend.

Thank you, and have a wonderful day full of awesomeness that you create.

Dear Women

If you want a guy to treat you like a queen, why don’t you stop treating him like your slave? Your enemy? Your potential rapist/abuser?

Women are not superior to men. They are not inferior to men. Nor do they need to be the precious little porcelain dolls for a man to protect. We’re equals.

If a guy isn’t allowed to hit you or yell at you, why are you allowed to do it to him? If you can say no, he can too. If you want to be strong and take care of yourself, don’t expect him to always protect you.

If you want him to understand you, why don’t you try understanding him first? If you want respect, try giving it.

And furthermore, ladies, stop wasting your time being “in love” with fictional characters and then complain about being single. Please. It’s just embarrassing.

(I recognize that all women aren’t like this just as I, myself, am not.)